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Yes, there are different types company's that can be setup by foreigners .

For a small business , such as a bar , restaurant , laundry service, we advise to setup a:

Sole proprietorship

This can only be a 1 owner business, and have no share holders.
And normally the tax registration, is a small tax payer.

Yes, multiple individuals can become shareholders of a Limited (Ltd) company, allowing them to own a portion of the business and share in its profits.


Cambodia's low labour cost and rapid economic growth have made it very attractive for entrepreneurs looking to set up their businesses quickly.

No, foreigners are not allowed to own land , but can buy land by setup a LTD company.
The LTD company need to have a Cambodian shareholder who owns 51% of the shares, 49% will be owned by the foreigner.

Yes, even you don't work, you will need a work permit if you stay on a Long term visa, except the Retirement VISA

Yes , we can assist in obtaining a police report from the ministry of Justice.
This will be translated and legalized by ministry of foreign affairs.

If you live abroad, its still possible to obtain the Police clearance .
Please contact us , if you want to obtain more information.

Yes, you are eligible for the retirement visa if you are 55 years of age or older.

For some nationalities, its only possible to obtain a visa, at a Cambodian Embassy.
You will need to find the nearest Cambodian Embassy near you.

Cambodia's two largest industries are textiles and tourism, while agricultural activities remain the main source of income for many Cambodians living in rural areas. The service sector is heavily concentrated on trading activities and catering-related services.

A labour ministry statement announced that the new wage begin in January 2024, with $204 for full-time workers, and $202 for those in a probation period. The ministry said that with other bonuses and allowances, each worker will earn between $221 and $232 per month.

As of the most recent data, the average monthly salary for a worker in Cambodia is roughly between $150 and $200 USD. This figure can vary greatly depending on factors such as the sector of employment, level of experience, and geographical location within the country.

So while the cost of living in Cambodia may be one of the lowest in the world, the quality and standard of living remain extremely high, leading to more retirees and expats choosing to make this country their home each year.